I just turned my machine on for the first time since last Wednesday or Thursday! I hosted Bunko at my house Thursday night, and Friday morning we left bright and early to go CAMPING at FDR State Park near Callaway Gardens in GA. We took Browder and this was our tent...

It was SO MUCH FUN! We stayed Fri-Sunday and spent all day Sat at Callaway riding bikes and all that. Great times and great memories! Sunday when I got home Browder & I took a rest, re-grouped and then headed to my parents house where the other 2 kids were. I stayed there til yesterday afternoon visiting my family for the first time in MONTHS! As far as embroidery I did make my usual trip to their Sewing Center and got a few fabrics - mostly restocking my ginghams and cords (brown, khaki, royal blue and a couple of greens). Anyway we got home yesterday afternoon, unpacked and rested, and then decided to load up the family to go to the FAIR! B & G LOVED IT!! G got to ride most of the rides and we ate the usual - corndogs & funnel cakes! This morning I ran errands, had Starbucks and met a few friends for lunch, and it's now 3:30 and I have JUST started working on my first shirt in the last week! I need to pull another late night to get anything done! Browder just finished a breathing treatment (had one last night too). He's got a little cough which seems to be accompanied by a little wheezing, so luckily we have the breathing machine now at home!
I'm still on HOLD til Monday, but cracked up when I got home today and saw THIS (below) on my front porch! I think all of it is from people who told me they were dropping off for me to work on after Monday. It's quite usual for me to come home and find a bag hanging on the door, but I USUALLY don't come home to 5! HA! Anyway I thought it was hilarious so I had to snap a picture!

I have gobs of camping pictures, fishing pictures from my parents house and Fair pictures from last night, but don't have time to go through them and post right now! Off to try to get some work done!