HOME SWEET HOME!! I've never been so glad to see Montgomery! Our vacation was WONDERFUL and I'll post a few pics this week. Slideshow feature? Anyway, we left Deer Valley this morning at 6:30 (still dark and lots of snow) and pulled in to our house around 7:00 (very hot and lots of pollen). We got on a plane in Salt Lake City, then flew to Denver, then had to switch planes at the last minute, then we flew to Kansas City, then we flew to St. Louis, then we flew to Birmingham. All we had to eat all day were those tiny bags of pretzels and peanuts and the shot glass of a soft drink they gave us every flight. We took off and landed FOUR TIMES today. That is A LOT of turbulence. The best way to describe it is a 7 1/2 hour carpool, stopping at every hub from Salt Lake to Birmingham to let folks off the plane. When we left Salt Lake snow was blowing sideways, and for the first time I experienced what they call "
de-icing" the plane. By the time we landed in
B'ham I had the worst headache probably since my one migraine I had a while back. We quickly found me a coke and some Alleve and miraculously I didn't puke in the bathroom or by the car on the way out, because I sure felt like it.
We got the little ones back and I was SO glad to see them! It only took an hour or so for the first crying fit (Garrison). Grandma's house boot camp starts tomorrow. They also have runny noses and coughs from all the pollen.
All this being said.... I hope to get back to work tomorrow post-unpacking and laundry and spending a little QT w/ the little ones. I came home to Target bags on the door and 75 e-mails about new orders. So please BEAR WITH ME, or is it BARE with me?! :) I'm so tired (and still sore from skiing) that I can't think....
Your patience with order turnaround is appreciated until I can get back in to the swing of things!
P.S. for those of you who have followed my ski trip wardrobe preparations the past month or two. I ended up NOT taking the black fur boots I ordered. Sending those back this week (terrible design). I also didn't take any skinny jeans - the 2 pair I bought on 2 different occasions I took back before our trip. I did come back with some Uggs, which were WONDERFUL on my sore feet from all the skiing. The kids got stuffed cows and t-shirts, and I got some Uggs! Thank you Jeff! I know I'm about 5 years late on that trend, but they are wonderful and I look forward to enjoying them next winter.
Another p.s. - I got a few new fabrics in Enterprise while dropping off the kids and will post pics this week. 2 polka dots and Carnival Bloom. I know I'm a season late on that one, but they had it so I got a little. It's a great Michael Miller fabric!