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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas is a week away! WOW!

Yesterday Browder's Kindergarten class took a field trip to Friendship Mission in Montgomery and then had their Christmas party at Chuck E. Cheese! So, Tuesday night Jeff was dropping me off at Target and Kohls after dinner hunting a blank shirt I could do for B since the dress was "Christmas play clothes". I went with Peace on Earth! It was a sweet field trip! Browder's school has been collecting supplies and money for Friendship Mission for the past month or so, and the Kind. class went yesterday to sing for the men who are currently staying there! So behind where the kids stood and sang songs were mattresses where these men slept the night before!!!! FM is a church/ministry where they serve several meals a day and where homeless men can sleep! The catch is that if they want to eat, they have to listen! So, in exchange for food they are able to hear the Gospel and are hopefully "Saved" (in more ways than one). After hearing about what they do and after hearing about the man in the wheelchair who was found on the side of the river and who has been at FM for the past 4 months, I realized how lucky I am and as Jeff reminded me, I should not complain about having to "work" in my dining room with computer cords strung everywhere while I listen to music, check Facebook and e-mail and talk on my Iphone!! Count your blessings people!!

Yesterday I started on a project for January ~ I'm in the process of adding photos of all of my seasonal designs to the 2nd blog and will then link it in to this one. That way I don't have to delete and add Holiday photos b/c my blog is too full! I got all of the AC designs up and started on others (EB, etc.) but it's going to require going through CD's of pics and I'll hopefully have it "together" sometime after the new year! I need one more thing to keep up with!!

Countdown to Christmas!! This time next week it'll be CHRISTMAS EVE!! YIKES!

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