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Monday, July 21, 2008

I am alive!!

I'm home from the beach and from getting M in Enterprise! I was unable to blog from the beach, or Enterprise, because I've been recovering from more tube-riding. You'd think I would have learned my lesson by now. Sat. we rode a 3-man tube behind a Seadoo in the Bay (near Perdido/Ono Island - not sure what the proper term is for that body of water). Anywho, my brother in law drove the Seadoo (my first warning sign - he doesn't do anything that's not wide open) and Jeff, my nephew & I rode in the tube. If you can imagine us going about 50+ MPH around in circles in choppy, gulf, salt water. I almost lost my bowels twice and could only pray I made it through alive to see my 3 kids again. By Sat night my stomach hurt so bad I had to lay down in the bed. I contemplated a trip to the ER but a few Advils did the trick. Yesterday I could barely walk and it hurt to cough or sneeze or laugh. Evidently I pulled something in my stomach. I feel much better today. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to walk today - you know sometimes those injuries catch up w/ you a couple of days later. It was fun, but I keep having to remind myself that I am 35, not 18!! B stayed at the beach for art camp - will get him back on Wed. After getting home from the beach yest. I drove to E'prise and spent the night, coming back today. I went by the sewing store but didn't find much - got a burgundy & white gingham (I've done w/out Alabama colors this long but decided to give in...) and a tan & white gingham - those were about the only 2 ginghams I didn't have. Didn't see much as far as fall fabric. Will keep checking!

The beach was fun - we ate on the way down in Bon Secour at a place called The Tin Top - it was off the beaten path but DELICIOUS!! It is somewhere near Foley. Saturday we rode the boat and ate at Pirate's Cove. Other than the mammoth dogs wandering about it was pretty good. A step up from The Boathouse in Destin (where the waitresses may or may not wear shoes).

Not much else going on! I've been e-mailing/talking to a couple of people who found the blog and also sew. It's great to meet people and exchange info/ideas!! I have a list of websites to check out from someone who called me Thurs. from Amelia Island - check out Twisted Sisters and Twisted Kids if you are in the area!!

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